Our Team


Rosie Niven

Theatre and Programs Coordinator

Rosie is the Theatre and Programs Coordinator at Qtopia Sydney, and has worked with the organisation since the opening of the first venue in February 2023. Driven by an interest in inclusive education, she develops programs for school students and corporate groups that encourage visitors to the space to consider not only the value of their own community, but the immense impact their actions can have on it.

Outside of Qtopia Sydney, Rosie has worked extensively as a counsellor with at-risk populations across Sydney, including refugees, individuals experiencing social isolation and those transitioning from incarceration. In addition to her work as a Therapist, Rosie is a Theatre Director with a portfolio that focuses on LGBTQ+ and female-driven works, and is passionate about working with young people and emerging artists to create greater access for everyone in the Australian theatre community. Both of these areas of expertise have encouraged Rosie to push the boundaries of her programming, elevating voices often left out of the narrative.

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