We have proudly partnered with the Department of Education to develop a suite of Curriculum Linked Education Programs that bring students of all ages to Qtopia Sydney on excursions throughout the year.
Curriculum Linked Programs
Curriculum Linked Programs
Teachers are encouraged to reach out if they would like to see if their subject matter can be aligned to an existing program.
The content delivered in these Curriculum Linked Education Programs is age/stage appropriate (to suit your booking request) and can include references to conversations that you have had in class about relevant topics.
Whilst Qtopia Sydney uses the experiences and stories of the LGBTQIA+ community and its allies to inform this program and its case studies, students are encouraged to examine these learnings through their own lenses. As such, these programs speak more to general community experience, than the experience of a single community.
Identity, Community, Connection
Identity, Community, Connection is a program that invites students to engage with the history of their community in new ways, fostering a deeper understanding of their own identity and how it fits within greater society.
Duration: 3 hours
Recommended for Year 7 – 12